№1 Webseite für Kalender


Kalender12.ch reserves the right at any time to modify or remove parts of the content, where in addition, we do not need to inform you.
The information on the website is intended to be non-committal and not as a concrete offer to conclude an agreement.
Limited liability
The offered materials are offered on the Website without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. These materials may change at any time without prior notice from Kalender12.ch.
The content of the Website is obtained partially automated. Kalender12.ch does its best to update as often as possible these contents and/or supplement. Nevertheless it is possible that the content is incomplete, outdated and/or inaccurate.
All intellectual property rights concerning these materials belong to Kalender12.ch. Copying, distribution and any other use of these materials is prohibited without the written consent of Kalender12.ch, except and only to the extent provided in regulations of mandatory law, unless otherwise indicated in specific materials.
It is not allowed to use our web pages or individual elements (such as images, videos etc.) to use on another website within a frameset or through an inline link (hotlinking), if there is confusion about the origin of the material.
This disclaimer may change from time to time.